Knowledge is a important constituent for the recipe of Success. Hence or otherwise, a man should always be on the quest of Knowledge. A pertinent thing should be noted in the beginning itself, that one is entitled to hold his own views about any topic and individual perception - unquestionably - is relative to his own version of interpretation of Knowledge he has acquired. An individual is too naive to comprehend the vastness of Knowledge. Inasmuch, the associated meaning. A frivolous mind just needs the trivial trickling oozing from a sagacious mind to associate a meaning to his life. The former mind can't posses an intelligent insight. Such an insight comes as a derivative of extensive Knowledge, possessed by the latter mind. The wring of the elaborate scribbling is none but one: A man needs a Master.
I am fortunate. I have discovered the One. Perhaps, it's a blaspheme to to put it that way. Let me rephrase. The Chosen One picked me from the dirt and embraced. The touch of the Master - the Midas touch, literally - has transformed me. I have had lived my life as an animal. Now, post-embracing-act, I find myself elevated to the human clan.
Master is a an abundant source of knowledge. He knows everything about everything. Whenever, I have any doubt - on any topic, of any severity and at any hour of the clock - Master answers it with His placid smile and austere wordings that are his ™. Master believes in Simple Living and No Thinking. Arguably, it's perfectly fine on His part since He needn't put an effort to think. Thoughts are the by-product of His respiration. Simplicity is His key virtue. Let it be any weather, He keeps it to (thread) bare basics when it comes to the apparels. He works for the betterment of the humanity. However, as He is very practical - unlike the much (in)famous bearded (and preposterous) sages of the valley - He earns his own morsel by putting a gruesome effort throughout the day inside the quarry. He mines knowledge. Master is selfless. He distributes those minerals, in-valuable things for Him, to the lazy morons like me for free. He has infinite capacity. He listens to my senseless propositions, misdemeanours, pesky questions, et al with patience. He has answer for everything. Right from how to use the Press to, how to impress the Boss. Once I asked Him about how to cook, He quipped, 'Taste is a function of the perceptibility of your (rudimentary) braincells. Savour whatever comes as the output. Respect the effort. Rejoice the creativity.' Another day, I had asked Him why He wears perforated vests and torn jackets. He had replied, 'Clothes are to be worn for the darned social acceptance. God has gifted you with the skin. Why worry for a duplicate cover? Be content with whatever you have. Respect the pristine primates.' Then one day about the need of bathing he had shared his wisdom, 'What is bathing? Wasting Water. Ruining your skin. You do good only to the petty FMCG cos who sell you poison in the namesake of soap, for inordinate sum of money telling you that it has milk and honey. If it has those thing then better eat it! People don't even get water for quenching their thirst. And you waste it over your body? Unfair! Purify yourself from inside. Thoughts should be sacrosanct. Devoid of malice. Full of love. Love for Knowledge.'
Master is very loving. His scolding is like a cuddle to his disciples. He doesn't care about money. He spends money like anything, when it comes to material happiness demanded by his petty apostles. He takes them for the (child) films, eateries and ilk. I am happy like a child at the candy store, when I am with Master. He buys happiness to me. A fatherly figure. Without Master, I feel alone. Abandoned. Orphaned. I admire my Master beyond the purview of any measuring scales ever fabricated.
There was a time when I used to be disgruntled. Think negative. Loose temper. Kick anyone's buttocks for no apparent reason. I was a perfect bad boy. Despised and Disowned. Master owned me then, and hence. His touch of perfection mellowed me down. Now, I am happy. I don't think. Pamper (loathsome) kids. And, lick Master's inexhaustible mind. He is the Source of Joy. On a lighter note, Master finds me His source of joy. Perhaps, my jester-like deeds and stupid queries amuse Him. Talking of time, Master keeps giving me, time and again, advice on many area I am novice at. He gives me tips on stocks and shares, investment, literary stuffs, good articles, his unbiased views on multitude of topics ranging from Polity to Poultry and at times - very rarely - how to conquer a pretty being.
Lately, I have become worried for Master. Master is still unmarried. I have insisted to Him umpteen times though, that He has reached the apt age. I tried to convince Him that He is now mature, ripe, full bloomed. He must act. Procreativity is, after all, a function of pro-activity. Time and tide wait for none. Master, however, sneered at my colourful plea congnising my hideous motive of ticking Him off my way. I am his disciple, however. He has given lot for the betterment of society, and above all, to me. I must care for Him. He must get settled in His life. What if that cost me to be left brefet of His - as of yet undivided - Love. I must learn to walk alone. His spirit - in principle - shall always be with me. I know.
Get Married, Master.
I am fortunate. I have discovered the One. Perhaps, it's a blaspheme to to put it that way. Let me rephrase. The Chosen One picked me from the dirt and embraced. The touch of the Master - the Midas touch, literally - has transformed me. I have had lived my life as an animal. Now, post-embracing-act, I find myself elevated to the human clan.
Master is a an abundant source of knowledge. He knows everything about everything. Whenever, I have any doubt - on any topic, of any severity and at any hour of the clock - Master answers it with His placid smile and austere wordings that are his ™. Master believes in Simple Living and No Thinking. Arguably, it's perfectly fine on His part since He needn't put an effort to think. Thoughts are the by-product of His respiration. Simplicity is His key virtue. Let it be any weather, He keeps it to (thread) bare basics when it comes to the apparels. He works for the betterment of the humanity. However, as He is very practical - unlike the much (in)famous bearded (and preposterous) sages of the valley - He earns his own morsel by putting a gruesome effort throughout the day inside the quarry. He mines knowledge. Master is selfless. He distributes those minerals, in-valuable things for Him, to the lazy morons like me for free. He has infinite capacity. He listens to my senseless propositions, misdemeanours, pesky questions, et al with patience. He has answer for everything. Right from how to use the Press to, how to impress the Boss. Once I asked Him about how to cook, He quipped, 'Taste is a function of the perceptibility of your (rudimentary) braincells. Savour whatever comes as the output. Respect the effort. Rejoice the creativity.' Another day, I had asked Him why He wears perforated vests and torn jackets. He had replied, 'Clothes are to be worn for the darned social acceptance. God has gifted you with the skin. Why worry for a duplicate cover? Be content with whatever you have. Respect the pristine primates.' Then one day about the need of bathing he had shared his wisdom, 'What is bathing? Wasting Water. Ruining your skin. You do good only to the petty FMCG cos who sell you poison in the namesake of soap, for inordinate sum of money telling you that it has milk and honey. If it has those thing then better eat it! People don't even get water for quenching their thirst. And you waste it over your body? Unfair! Purify yourself from inside. Thoughts should be sacrosanct. Devoid of malice. Full of love. Love for Knowledge.'
Master is very loving. His scolding is like a cuddle to his disciples. He doesn't care about money. He spends money like anything, when it comes to material happiness demanded by his petty apostles. He takes them for the (child) films, eateries and ilk. I am happy like a child at the candy store, when I am with Master. He buys happiness to me. A fatherly figure. Without Master, I feel alone. Abandoned. Orphaned. I admire my Master beyond the purview of any measuring scales ever fabricated.
There was a time when I used to be disgruntled. Think negative. Loose temper. Kick anyone's buttocks for no apparent reason. I was a perfect bad boy. Despised and Disowned. Master owned me then, and hence. His touch of perfection mellowed me down. Now, I am happy. I don't think. Pamper (loathsome) kids. And, lick Master's inexhaustible mind. He is the Source of Joy. On a lighter note, Master finds me His source of joy. Perhaps, my jester-like deeds and stupid queries amuse Him. Talking of time, Master keeps giving me, time and again, advice on many area I am novice at. He gives me tips on stocks and shares, investment, literary stuffs, good articles, his unbiased views on multitude of topics ranging from Polity to Poultry and at times - very rarely - how to conquer a pretty being.
Lately, I have become worried for Master. Master is still unmarried. I have insisted to Him umpteen times though, that He has reached the apt age. I tried to convince Him that He is now mature, ripe, full bloomed. He must act. Procreativity is, after all, a function of pro-activity. Time and tide wait for none. Master, however, sneered at my colourful plea congnising my hideous motive of ticking Him off my way. I am his disciple, however. He has given lot for the betterment of society, and above all, to me. I must care for Him. He must get settled in His life. What if that cost me to be left brefet of His - as of yet undivided - Love. I must learn to walk alone. His spirit - in principle - shall always be with me. I know.
Get Married, Master.
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Who is actually your Master?
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