The plot has been much upgraded. Not only in scale and texture but in logic. I couldn't find any apparent illogical thing in the entire story. Compare the old one. OMG! That was truly hilarious. Don is right hand of a drug dealer in Malaysia. He goes for a deal in India, which turns out to be a fake. Police after Don. The Chase Begins. He is caught (unfortunately). The police agent rope in a look-alike, in anonymity of police. Sends him back to work. He goes there and collects the CD of contacts. Gives it back to the agent. Then in a mix up, the agent dies. Now, how to prove the identity of the look-alike? The Chase Beings again. This all and much more just packed in meagre three hours of time. Lots of cars. Lots of guns. Lots of bullets ricochetting all around. Fast changing places and plots. Appreciable editing skills, I must say. Great stunts. Good use of technology (No rope walk this time!). Noteworthy muscle use. Good!
The twists are great. A real earth shattering stuff, from the point of view of the average Indian cinema goer, who acclaims Mr. Badjatya's films are great (puke!). You will enjoy the shocks and sudden revelations. You will feel, you amissed hearing a dialogue or that what you just saw must have been an illusion. Isn't it the surprises and out of the box we expect from the movies? Luckily, the flick offers it, and in a convincing and sweeping manner. Another great piece of work from the director, who incidentally, is my favourite. Mr. Khan, whom I am ardent fan of, was, as I had said always, just Wow! He has been experimenting a lot lately. An Army Major in MHN, a pragmatic geek in Swades (another all time favourite), frustrated hubby in KANK (puke again!), and now a mean and clean drug mafia who eliminates his adversaries ruthlessly in cold blood. A substantial variety, unarguably.
Yes there were few points that I regret. Ya! you are absolutely correct. The two songs that were plucked and planted, as is. Kareena was horrible. The paanwala number was unnecessary and untimed. Mr. Khan, undoubtedly, danced like a teen with umpteen jumps. Impressive. The older one, perhaps, was better here. Besides these misdemeanours, the movie is really enjoyable. The music is tantalising or even titillating! (My WMP has lost the play count.) I liked the fcninternational mix and the don revisited the most. The Aaj ki raat hummable. The title song was worth watching.

Apropos, great movie. Still reading? Heck! Go, watch the best thing yet offered this year.
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