Monday, 16 July 2007

Apropos *

Cooking food, arguably, is a daunting task. Transformation of a raw vegetable into a cooked palatable is surely a thing. Like others, I am gifted with great parents. They never let me feel the heat of the stove, till the time I was in their lap. By the grace of God, the aforementioned time extended as long as 21 years. Consequently, I developed an affection for processed food, the processor - naturally - was my mumma. I am proud to share that I love all kind of food. The range starts from sweets to sour and from fried to baked. While I have special affection for the sweeter variety, the bitter ones viz. करेला, are the ones I consume with not-so-equal rejoice. The point to note is, I consume it.

When it comes to cooking, however, it's my fiefdom. So, no करेला and no नीम चढ़ा. It's pure taste. Nothing else.

Now, this is no joke. Yes, I can cook. If you are still grinning, assuming that I am offering a pun, then, I must say, it's a deep insult of a great chef-to-be. OK! So, now you feel that I am indulging in braggadacio. It is but necessary to market your skills, dear friend. Didn't your bskul (the SMSed version of language distortion for the poor and humble Business School), teach you this? So, here I present you all the next chef-to-be, in making at present; that's me.

So, keep on pestering this place for new recepies and cook-tips. And stop grinning. I am serious. The Cooking Begins.

* Migrated from the erstwhile My Experiments as a Cook.

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