Thursday 5 April 2007


Democracy, by definition, is a funny system. Its tenets are based on a plainly incorrect premise that all men are intelligent. The only grace is that the definition duly discounts women. As the definition goes, in a democratic system, people elect their representatives. That technically means, one selects a person amongst themselves, to rule them. Consciously elected slavery! Now, every sensible man is a slave of his wife; not for a man is a good slave and a woman is a good Master, but for the simple reason that as a slave, he just have to offer his ears for the fiats, while execution - a deed that eventually decides the fate of that fiat - remains at his disposition. Taking cue from this, perhaps, the promoters of democracy might have propounded the doctrines of the system. Though ironically enough, we find a little representation of the fair sex in the top brass of the democratic system world over.

Those who found the aforementioned analogy of slavery and man vs woman comparison offending or frivolous might argue in favour of the system vehemently with a superior logic. In one or the other way, it boils down to the platitude of equality amongst the men. But can it ever be? Can you equate the mind of Francisco d' Anconia to that of some rustic mystic, whose brain houses only the carnal knowledge? Men should never be compared. While the specie is same, the minds are quintessentially unique, distinct, diverse and discreet. Mind is the only criterion to judge a man. If he has inferior mind, his judgements, decisions, analysis - summarily, thinking - has to be commensurately inferior. Such a man needs nourishment of knowledge, a posteriori. How can two such divergent men decide a common good? A schmuck can be won with little shrewd wordplay and alms, for a poor mind coexists notoriously always, with a poor wallet. The poor mind once - and hence - won, given that it has myopic outlook, can only see short term gains. Simply speaking, the poor mind can be lured, favourably. As it is there for any natural phenomenon, the peak - the apogee, the pinnacle, the highest point, the crest, the best quality, et al - is always either short liver or occurs too less, so is with the human mind. The poor mind occurs aplenty, while the best ones, rarely. As democracy relies on numbers, the demand of which can be offset much easily by the humongous supply of the poor brains, democracy essentially a system of the fools, by the fools and for the fools. If one of you feels grudged in it, congratulations, your mind has evolved.

Personally, I would rejoice all stupid and unintelligent primates being shot dead, perhaps, many other sensible vegetarians may disagree. A rather worse, time consuming, expensive and yet, low success rate work around is to educate the poor brains. Any religious leader, obviously, can't be entrusted. I would incalculably relish strangleholding each of them. Then who else?

Alas! the onus is but always on me...

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